my laptop just decided to give me a surprise. clean failed. quarantine failed. hence every 30 secs there's a popup.
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:22 PM |
wtf. im actually blogging this entire thing for the 3rd time. the worst night blogging i ever had.
okay, so yesterday (yes, i should use yesterday) i had GREAT fun~
been out with my junior class and created havoc. basically the wildest thing i ever did since BBQ night :))
wanted to watch Madagascar but then the slots were either full or the only seats avail are first row seats. not worth for a weekend movie ya know..
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:29 PM |
had the iE games yesterday. kinda enjoyed myself cos i was in charge of the Confident station and Job Agency booth. enjoyed listening to all the craps the freshies shouted through the loud hailer. it includes some people who shouted craps like: "I WANT TO BE A RAPIST, COS I WANT TO RAPE YOU" and "I WANT TO BE A TERRORIST, COS I WANT TO BOMB YOUR HOUSE" -____-;
ah oh well. was a little biased cos i employed my 1mo1 and then gave them 900k :x but they lost it all in investments -_-; there was even daylight robbery. Yong Jia was robbed. omg. a freaking 800k was stolen but only 500k was given back. and ya, i didnt expect my job agency to be so hot and it was bustling with customers. Wenna and i had a hard time. i was sweating like hell and everyone is waiting for their turn to employed. it turned out, oh well, unorganised, cos time is tight.
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:27 PM |
day started as usual. went to school early to crap with my buddy group. bleah. had fun lah. was like super blurr cos i keep misplacing things. didnt plan to act blur can. LOL.
then went to lessons loh. oh i must say Andy is great lah. he is currently our OOP teacher and i can say i learnt something. i hope i can score the distinction (okay, ive never got one) for this module. he really teach well, man.
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:21 PM |
oh yeah, ive finally edited the photos and uploaded them. please wait patiently for them to load :)
here it goes:
here's the cake for William (our mentor), Sam and Xeno. belated birthday cake for them though. notice the candle. it didnt have the thingy which puts the candle in place and it seems shorter than usual. what happened?
look at the chocolate at the bottom of the candle. and notice the huge hole. the culprit: Wenna. well, it's so Wenna :)
William and Sam. wanna see William in candid shot?
yes! William in candid! he even did the victory thingy. i think this is a rare shot man. font's too small though. but the words are visible, i hope.
remember what happened to the cake? Wei Ming ate the red thingy (i dont know what's that called). and the culprit is so happy -_-;
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:20 PM |
had orientation with the freshies today. FUN~~
hope they didnt think it's boring.
met my class people. had games @ 11 and did abit of interaction. played the newspaper game. let 2 of my class girls step on my foot cos they couldnt balance. i supposed the senior buddies were shocked but then they're my class people what, i must help :D
then played miror image. hurhur. Jonathan (mo1 peeps) got sabotaged. haha. the guy from mo3, i think, was worst =x they had ink all over their face.
after that was the meeting the mentor session. Mr Ong is their mentor. seems like a nice guy and is not monotonous -phew- if not i supposed the class would have bore to death.
lunch break was next and im seriously glad no one wanted to 'run away' cos i know from the endless briefings, they might think it's gonna be boring whole day long :D
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:19 PM |
im feeling so down now. i feel im gonna break down any moment.
the only thing that i had shrimp and save hard for, is lost.
it's the digital camera which i had bought 2 years ago.
not only it's lost. its spoilt too.
i had saved 400 bucks. and now, it's all so old and worn BECAUSE OF MY ELDER SIS.
i hate her. i was younger back then, and 400 bucks was definitely alot to me. the CF card slot cover is broken. and she said she will get it fixed since 98765456789098765434567890 months ago.
when i asked about that again, she simply said "ive got no money"
even the spare batt is lost.
not only that, she had made the camera pouch look horrible enough to make us not want to use it at all.
the bottom line: i just hate her.
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:18 PM |
had a longg day yesterday. stayed out like *counts fingers* 16 hours yesterday. my eyes were very very tired but my mouth could still move by the time i reach home at about 0420. yes. that's morning.
went to school for the briefing and then it headed like 12+. was wondering what to do until 2+ cos i had interview @ Suntec @ 0330. headed there early anyway.
the interview was a waste of time. sighs. they only need temporary weekday workers. doubt i can even make it for any of the day.
well, back to the fun part. after interview, i headed down to Cineleisure to meet Wendy and Berlin (that's the new friend i made a few days back). went straight to Pasta Mania and eat, and again, i cant finish my creamy chicken. perhaps it's very filling bah.
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:16 PM |
im getting a little bit crazy now cos i dont know what the hell i pressed and that my entry is gone! oh my god. that was tremendous effort leh! you could have see my expression >.<
lemme start again =/
my holidays were more or less spent on vcds and shopping. throughout the holidays ive catched like 132 episodes of Naruto, 42 episodes of Inuyasha (so far), 12 (or was it 13) episodes of Onegai Teacher, DrumLine, 18 episodes of 海豚湾恋人, 30 episodes of 水月洞天 and what else i forgot liao.
okay. dont wow. i'd rather work and earn money! sighs.
decided to springclean my room later cos i find my table so messy (well, even though it still get messy 1 week after i springclean, shrugs)
will post up the before and after pics of my room tomorrow. that is after my springclean.
i wanna go Ikea and get some stuff which i can sort out my stuff. Ikea, anyone? =/
okay. i'll do all the anime introduction again. it's all tough work ya know sobs.
first it's Azumanga Daioh. cute characters and funny content.
this is Chiyo. cute rite? very innocent. she's a 10-yr-old high school genius
yeap yeap. this is also Chiyo. she has fake ponytails. she even gets a new pair of ponytails as her christmas present! haha.
this is Osaka. she is kinda dim-witted but is innocent. sweet too =D
anyone has Azumanga Daioh anime downloads or vcd? i only caught a glimpse of it @ Laser Flaire. sobs.
next up is Naruto *grins*
Konohamaru! his first appearance is darn funny. darn cute too. adores Naruto :)
Shikamaru! haha. he is intelligent and lazy. cool too! the first to get promoted to Chuunin =D
him and Pakkun, Kakashi's pet.
this is Kakashi! *screams my lungs out* im darn fated with him. my character fits Kakashi when i took the character test and then i got him as a 'boyfriend' when i did the compatibility test! whee~
this is Rock Lee. find him weird. he adores his sensei, Gai, and dresses like him too *goosebumps*
this is Naruto's 'handsomest' pic. haha. the others were his crazy facial expression.
one of his craziest expression! cute rite. LOL.
his best technique. this even made the Third Hokage's nose bled. haha. Hokage refers to the best ninja in the Village of Konoha(leaf).
Inuyasha is next! im sure Wenna and Kailing are looking forward to it. Wendy too!
Inuyasha when he's young. so adorable. but he's hated by humans and despiced by demons. cos he's half-demon, half-human, which meant hanyou in Japanese.
him in cap when he's in Kagome's (modern) world. still sniffing the floor for scents cos he's a dog. wahaha.
well, there're times when he changed into a human cos he's a hanyou. that's Kagome with him.
Miroku when he's young! he's still VERY decent back then. haha.
this is the perverted monk who fakes exocorism when he needs a place to stay. he molests girls and asks them to bear his child. muahaha. that's Miroku!
his special power is the Kazana, it's a curse by Naraku. a wind tunnel like a black hole.
this is Sango, a demon exterminator. seeks Naraku to avenge for her village people. pretty rite? rumoured to like Miroku *grins*
Kirara, Sango's pet. has been loyal to Sango and is very useful.
Shippo! always beaten by Inuyasha. small and timid. but is kinda matured.
Myoja jiji. helpful in times. but always run away when there's trouble. is a flea.
Rin! Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's brother, has taken good care of her. Sesshomaru used to be an evil man who killed humans. but Rin has changed him =DD
no pics of Sesshomaru cos the website's down.
so long for my entry =D my lunch awaits me =))
<3 Huei Shan @ 5:24 PM |