to 2006!
Time passes really fast! Soon it's gonna hit 2007, and no looking back to 2006 ya. Before 2007 says hello to me, I shall do a recap of what I did in 2006..
I managed to play with the cute pair of brothers without having them resenting me!

Kai Ling took me as her boslter at Yong Xiang's crib.

I learnt how to really play mahjong during CNY cos M05 keep mahjong-ing overnight every week when we overnighted at a different person's house.
I met Samuel.

I got employed by Video Ezy in March and drew this in MSPaint during work cos there weren't customers in the store and it's boring me and my colleague.

I also worked at my very first Creative WHS during March.
I attempted to learn how to play dota.

Rong Guang got so shocked when I asked him for dota and he asked why am I playing that.

A ridiculously big hornet (?) beetle appeared at my doorstep and made me call my parents to chase it away cos I dare not go in.

My mum strike 4D the next day.
I reported for work on the wrong day.
I moved in my new room cos my brother moved out of the house.

We had M05 BBQ during April and night cycled.

I za-hu for the first time.
I sign up a Singaporean transsexual for membership during work and was confused whether I should ket M or F in the computer because his/her IC stated M.
I met Lucius and he made me anticipate every Friday because it means I could see him!
I read Tuesdays with Morrie which changed my perspective of life.
I got 4 animals during mahjong, didn't win but I "ate" alot of money though.

I organised a primary 6 gathering after almost 7 years of not meeting and it was a huge success! :)

I emerged a swan after being ugly duckling during my primary school times.
My brother got married on June 24.

I managed to catch the last day of the fireworks display on August 12.

I found the show which I hate alot.

I tried Popeye's and I love the chicken biscuit.

I took my first puff and I know I won't start smoking.

I stitched a Tigger pouch.

The cute pair of brothers got a new baby brother who's equally cute too!

M05 tried prawn fishing on Wei Ming's birthday.

I finished my FYP.

I had some sort of allergy which kept me scratching and scratching and scratching.
I had a great Christmas.

Lastly, I turned 19 and spent a great day with my friends and colleagues :)

I aim to finish my Giroro model by the end of today!
And I just rejected 3 different friends who asked me to go out for countdown cos I'm too lazy.
I think I've had alot of great times during 2006 and I hope it stays this way!
In 2007, I'm expecting graduation :( (that means separating with M05)
In 2007, I'm expected to make a decision to whether I should first continue my studies or work to earn money for my school fees.
In 2007, I'll hit a solid age of 20 etc etc etc..
Goodbye 2006!
In 2007, I'm expecting graduation :( (that means separating with M05)
In 2007, I'm expected to make a decision to whether I should first continue my studies or work to earn money for my school fees.
In 2007, I'll hit a solid age of 20 etc etc etc..
Goodbye 2006!