Thursday, September 16, 2004


got lots to update today.

on Wed, i went to the support center to have my lappy reformatted. oh yea, and i spent 5 hours sitting in there. it was cold but because of my long duration in there, i no longer could feel the coolness. was like, numb-ed?

had fun inside the service center. well there was this time when i saw the man named Daniel choosing the icons on the main screen where when we on the system, there's the Toshiba logo and 5 cute little icons below. i saw it and was amazed and went like:

"Wenna! he can choose the icons leh!"
"cool! errr, how did you do that?"
"did you ever watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire? the fastest fingers."

that sent us all laughing like hell.

cos me and Wenna are easily amused, we kept laughing throughout during our stay in there. until the person couldnt bear it. wahhaa.

cos there aint the image for my lappy whereas there is for Wenna, she took a shorter time to reformat hers. and then Daniel told me he will image the thingy for my lappy so next time other people using the same brand as mine will use a shorter time to reformat. and i went like: "wahh, they must thank me, man. i sit here for 5 hours and yet the next time they come they only need about 2 hours." then Daniel added: "ya, i think i gotta add a pop up thingy so when the next person who uses the image, will see your picture and must tell that person to thank ya." thats really.. er.. hahaa.

well and the happy thing on Thur was.. im 100% done with my CSA project! and 90% done for my IMMF project! still lack of Wei Ming's flash for IMMF project but its okay la. cos flash is harder to do. bud i am so tired right now cos of my sitting position

bad news! i just then realised i forgot to study for my FS quiz tomorrow! *screams*