Friday, August 05, 2005

Mystery of the Missing Bag

I always thought I have the worst short term memory until what happened on 020805.


We were having our GDF lesson (just slacking around) when we heard Jetson saying "WHERE'S MY BAG?"

How could he lost his bag in the classroom? It's almost impossible! Cos there's no outsiders except the class peeps. Neither will we want his bag, cos there's nothing valuable inside =P

The worst way of finding a bag:

Jetson: Hello! Are you in there?! (peering into the table)

The insides of the table:

Indeed, that's the dumbest place someone would ever wanna try finding his bag. If it's a set of keys, it's alright. But a BAG?! Try harder, Jetson!

We were sitting on chairs with wheels in the classroom:

That's explains the missing bag and that expression on his face.

This was the missing bag.


In a nutshell, never buy the exact same bag if you have short term memory. It might play hide-n-seek with you.

I'm glad to say that Jason is outta Superstar! YAY! Now the competition is damn high >.< But no matter what, I'm really glad that Wei Lian didn't lose to that fellow =X

Oh ya, all my common tests results are out already:

Networking Fundamentals: A
Object Oriented Programming: A
Database: B+

Am very happy on the whole ^^