Skipped work today to join in the engagement ceremony at ROM.
My brother and his girlfriend fiancee were engaged today!
It was an eye-opening session today since I witness it!
Will post photos when my future sister-in-law send me the photos cos I used her camera to snap shots of today (I was the photographer lah).
Oh by the way I saw a very interesting shop name while in the cab with my dad going to China Square Food Centre for dim sum cos my brother booked some tables there for us.
The shop name's "FOOK ON WINTERWEAR".
How interesting is that?
Didn't managed to snap shot of that cos 1) I was in the cab and obviously it's moving 2) I had to find the camera in my bag, on it and then take photo of it. By the time I do that, I'll be miles away from that store.
Friday, September 30, 2005
<3 Huei Shan @ 12:39 AM |
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Disturbance at work
I realised that working can be fun if you find joy within. I admit that it's damn boring especially when we have to work like robots but the fun part is the people working around us.
The people working with me are aunties of age 40+.
Generation gap?
Not at all.
I also realised this factor among mothers: they love to talk about their kids.
They booast to me how many kids they have, how old they are, where they're schooling, abit of their attitude etc.
Nothing embarrassing about their kids.
They sure love their kids.
One of the aunties even got influenced by me.
Once they were laughing about some matters when I laughed like "her-her-her-her-her" in a machine gun manner. The auntie went like "Why you laugh like that? Her-her-her-her-her".
Then she starting imitating me till now it became a habit.
And today I realised another auntie who sat beside me while pasting stickers got influenced by me too.
Of cos there bound to be the bad part about work.
The bad part is not about the fierce supervisor (he treats newbies nice and scolds the workers who worked longer), it's about the guys who's been disturbing me!
It all started on Monday when two different guys approached me on two different times saying some guy wanna know me. I ignored them of cos (they're either Malaysians or China men. I don't look down on them. But consider the difference in our qualifications, I choose to ignore them cos they're just factory workers. This was what the aunties advised me too.) but they persisted.
They continued disturbing me yesterday and today, and I ignored them too. The guy who is interested in me even came to the place I was and stared at me while I work! That's freaking scary!
He even tried to share a table with me and my friend! Until Bao Chuan told him I'm attached.
She's my saviour =)
Cos I was free from all disturbance ever since lunch today.
Ignored again.
Hopefully he gets the hint.
Two groups of guys and an auntie had their first day of work today. The two groups of guys are categorised into the stylish and the not-so-stylish group by me. What I'm more happy is, yay, there's more people of my age!
And then the auntie thought the reason of me being more cheerful after lunch was because of the arrival of these guys.
It's cos I'm free of disturbance! Then I told her the reason.
She kept trying to matchmake me with one of the new guys!
Also tried to matchmake Bao Chuan. They went like "So, have you set your eyes on either one of them?"
On the whole, it's fun working with these aunties!
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:19 PM |
Monday, September 26, 2005
My watch has decided to fail me in the midst of work today.
Had OT till 7pm.
Was looking at my watch periodically hoping that 7pm would come soon.
It was 6pm the previous time I looked at it.
At least about 5 minutes later, it's still 6pm.
Another 5 minutes has past, still 6pm!
Until I felt that my watch looks abit strange.
It looked like this when it failed me:
Very blur. No choice. Handphone camera cannot make it.
There's an upcoming drama which I'm looking forward to! But I'm DAMN pissed. Why isn't Channel 5 doing anything to promote that drama!
It's one of Steven Spielberg's works leh!
Just in case you don't know who is he, he's the director for War of the World, E.T, Minority Report, A.I Artificial Intelligence, The Flinstones and many many more!
Very very very good director!
By the way, the drama's title is "Taken". Hence my title.
That's the poster for Taken.
Yea, that's Dakota. I must say she is a very intelligent kid. At the tender age of six, she acted in the movie "I am Sam". That was the movie which left a deep impression of Dakota in me. She can really act, and damn intelligent. I have the VCD "I am Sam", it's a very touching and tear-jerking movie. Not recommended to those who dreaded emotional movies though.
She's one of the main leads in Taken.
Am looking forward to it.
The drama's screened every Thursdays 11pm to 1am. Am gonna scarifice my sleeping hours for that drama =D
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:36 PM |
Saturday, September 24, 2005
A new pimple & a family member
The biggest pimple I've ever had is not grown on my face.
Neither it's grown on my back.
It's grown on my KNEE!
Yes, you heard that.
It all happened when I was working on Wednesday when I felt my left knee kinda itchy and painful at the same time.
I thought it's just a mosquito bite.
When I used my left hand to feel it, it felt like a pimple.
To my horror, it IS!
I know it's gross.
And the photo's badly taken.
But look at that amount of pus!
I cant imagine it flowing out of my pimple if I squeezed it.
That's why it's still fresh after three days.
To prevent myself from squeezing it, I stuck a plaster on it.
MAN, when will it heal?
About a week ago, I had a new family member!
Her name is Marathon aka 马拉松.
I took photos of her:
"You wanna take photos of me?"
"HMPH! Don't let you take leh!"
"I flip flip flip flip flip.."
"Turn turn turn turn turn.."
"And row row row row row.."
"Also don't let you take photos!"
"I also hide behind my house."
"So you cannot take a decent full photo of me!"
"You featuring me in your blog?"
"Okay! Let you take a nice photo of me."
"Cute enough?"
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:51 PM |
Thursday, September 22, 2005
PSP chalet
Warning: This is a photo-intensive entry.
When I say PSP, I don't mean Play Station Portable or Problem Solving and Programming. It means Poly Stage Production!
Okay, I'm being LAME here. But I'm just clarifying.
Had a PSP chalet last night. Rushed back home from work to prepare for everything. It was very rush cos I actually forgot about the chalet until Lina sms-ed me the unit number!
Met Kai Ling at CCK to get her digital camera. Had borrowed from her. Thanks alot, man. Cos I was late for meeting her and she had wanted to catch the 7pm show. I reached at about 7.15pm >.<
MRT station.
I took Bus
354 and alighted at DownTown East.
Heck, the chalet was soooo far away from where I was and stupid Raazi was lazy to pick me up. So I called him and asked for directions and I got to the wrong place =(
The chalet was at Coasta Sands and guess what, I went in to the DownTown East chalet AND even paid $1 entry fee. Thank god it's only one buck.
I even walked all the way to K chalet units cos the unit number's K-01 till I realised I was at the wrong place when Raazi said he's already outside the chalet but he can't see me.
He finally decided to come fetch me and then TADA! I reached.
Damn paiseh lah. Lost my way and the only people I knew was Raazi, Jason and Ji Ting.
As I've mentioned, our units were at K area.
Reached just in time for the 9pm show and I glued my eyes to the TV till it ended.
I was feeling hungry when they offered me..
Then Jason heat up the chicken chop for me. I think it's nice! He added lots of chilli -_-;
I think it's nice cos unlike the usual chicken wings we always have for BBQ, we had chicken chop! It's so much easier to eat!
This was how the pit and stuff looks like
Went on to explore the chalet.
By the way it's two combined into one.
As I walked up to the rooms to explore..
It was sooooooo messy!
Even the other room!
I like this simple decoration on the wall..
Played mahjong with some of the peeps for a few rounds and guess what happened?
I mistook this
for a banana!
The player in front of me (I forgot his name ;P) had this tile and it was late and I was getting a little tired I went like "What's that? Banana?"
Cos firstly I was thinking "What the heck?! Mahjong got banana one meh?" and secondly, don't you think it looks like a banana?!
It's actually a centipede.
Badly drawn centipede. Tsk tsk tsk.
We got a little bored when the guys decided to BBQ again cos they were hungry and they played around with the flames of the fire.
Notice that guy fan-ned till very jia lat.
As usual lah, I wanna take photos so I asked him to fan again.
This was the best shot I got.
They were complaining that their hands are tired and that the flames are hot.
Too bad.
Who asked them to start that in the first place. Hence they need to satisify me cos I practically took photos of everything.
A glimpse of the people playing Mahjong
This is the not-so-serious one cos they were just playing for fun.
This group of peeps are betting on money. Hence the tensed up look.
The guy in blue is the Vice President of PSP.
He's a huge and tall dude and filthy rich too.
Owns a watch that costs $23k and a LV bag that costs $4k.
What can I say, man.
Raazi, Jade, Ji Ting, Wei Siong and I were playing games in the room.
Played heart attack. The first round was damn funny. Can you believe it, Ji Ting aka Ting Ting don't know how to play heart attack! Somebody got heart attack in the first round and of cos we placed our hands in the middle.
Guess what.
He's not the one who kenna heart attack lor!
Wei Siong decided we should take revenge. He held Ting Ting down and asked us to tickle him. Ting Ting is freaking afraid of tickles. He laughed like mad when he was being tickled by us.
That went on for lik ten minutes.
Poor Ting Ting.
Who ask him to gei kiang.
Another shot of him kenna tickle
Poor Ting Ting.
Played Who? Huh? What? game and the person who loses will get a card to indicate how many pushups he/she has to do if he/she gets a total of three cards.
Poor Ting Ting kenna again.
He was doing his pushups nicely when Wei Siong took off his pants!
See no evil!
LUCKY Kai Ling's camera was lagging and I was waiting for it to resume so I can take more photos and I didn't see it!
I only caught the part when he frantically wear his pants.
Of cos I won't forget about group photo
Okay, I look abit ginatic.
Morning came and soon it's time for us to check out.
That's our chalet :)
I decided to skip work cos I'm too tired..
HECK, I think I'm gonna get myself screwed up at work.
Good luck to me, man.
Went to eat MAC and my slippers broke when I was eating.
-sniff sniff-
Being Mr Nice Guy, Jason lent me his slippers.
But it feels very comfy cos it's too big for me :D
Raazi, Wei Siong, Jason and I decided to take cab since everyone just have to pay $5.
Damn, it was raining so hard when I reached my house and I walked barefooted to the lift till I reach my house.
Thank god there wasn't much people who saw me.
I think I'm gonna get screwed tomorrow..
Bless me, man :(
<3 Huei Shan @ 3:57 PM |
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Factory job
In the previous entry, I mentioned I'll be on a real Hiatus. Man, it's too tempting to blog already, since I'm an avid blogger.
Let me just talk about work.
The people there are friendly and though it's tiring since it's factory work, it's all worth it!
Previously when I worked in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, it all felt weird. And though I clicked with my ex-colleagues well, there bound to be some barriers lah. So this time it's so much more fun since I'm working with my friends =D
We were separated into two groups though, Li Ling and her friend Yuet Wei (if I didn't remember wrongly) worked at the second level while me, Kai Ling and Wenna worked on the fifth level. All of us exchanged experience working in different level too, but we prefered working in our original locations. LOL.
I must admit there are some cute guys but the thing is, majority of them are from China. Not that I don't like China people but, hmmmm.. I think I don't have to elaborate more.
The three of us did alot of work; packing of injection syringe instructions booklet, tearing the sides of the printed storybook, pasting double-sided tape on the Fuji Xerox photo paper cardboard package, checking the quality of cardboards and pasting stickers on 1ml syringe instruction booklet.
And the funniest happened when we were doing the pasting of double-sided tape.
I ran out of double-sided tape and decided to retrieve it from the desk several metres away. I couldn't find it and decided to ask help from the person nearest to me. As I don't know his name, I decided to just look lost and wait till I caught his attention.
I couldn't make up his nationality too cos as I've said, the China guys looked local. The conversation went like this:
Me: Err.. (decided to pop a question like "哪个 double-sided tape 在哪里?"
Him: 你在找啥? (with China accent)
I panicked cos I was thinking how do I say "double-sided tape" in Chinese because I couldn't figure if he understands it.
Me: Ermmm.. Er... 有没有............ 黏子?
Him: (walks toward a cupboard, opens it and pointed to the normal tape) 这个吗?(in China accent)
Me: 不是! 不是! (rummaging through my dictionary of Chinese words) 我要双面的!
Him: (walks towards desk and anyhow point) 这里吗?
Me: 找了,没有..
Him: (point to a box and peek inside) 这里面吧?
Me: 没有 leh..
Him: 那我也不知道..
Me: Ohh..
Fine, so I should brush up on my Chinese.
Just hope I have more to blog on.
This means I'm only free on Sats and Suns. Anyone wanna book me?
Wendy's first on the list. So maybe a movie and Pasta Mania this weekend. LOL. I know on top of it will be neoprints. Sian, gonna be broke liao.
Next week booked by PhotoVideo SIG camp.
And then no plans already bah.
I think I'm gonna buy IPod Nano when I get my first pay. Perhaps do rebonding before school starts (Sian, that time cut too short. All my natural BUT ugly curls are back >.<)
Oh ya, and shopping, shopping and MORE shopping!
<3 Huei Shan @ 6:02 PM |
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Had been transferring all my entries here from BlogDrive and I must say it was hell. But what to do, who asked me to change here, change there. LOL.
So had sorta recollections of the past. There was the good, the bad and the very ugly posts.
Well, no one is perfect.
I must say we can't meet up to the expectations of everybody. We can't possibly be nice if A wants us to be nice and be bad if B wants us to be bad. What I mean is a whole character change.
My past consists of previous gatherings/outings, the times when I was still active in Alumni Band, the funny incidents that happened, the complaints about exams and assignment and the list goes on.
I had also recollected those times at my previous workplaces, certainly brings back memories.
But I had also filtered the real boring and bad posts as well.
Somehow I hope I won't regret moving in here. Cos it'll be hell again. LOL.
Oh ya, I've gotten a job already :) Even before I could start my job hunting, this job just happened to fall from the sky.
Yea, and this means I won't be updating as often anymore. Unless you wanna see all the usual stuff like "Well, I went for work, and then bla bla".
Meanwhile, before I finish transferring all my posts here, I shall stop blogging.
This marks a real hiatus for me.
Had real fun yesterday night. All thanks to those people who made my day =D But the path ahead will be nothing but work and photovideo SIG stuff. Feeling kinda irresponsible when I can't attend all activities but perhaps only for the camp >.<
But I had a valid reason so it's okay.
Oh ya, my working hours will be 7am to 5pm every weekday. So you'll still see my presence in MSN =P
<3 Huei Shan @ 7:39 PM |
Saturday, September 17, 2005
There With You
Recently hooked on this song.
If you catch Shooting Stars every Tuesday 8.30p.m on Channel 5, you ought to hear it cos it's been playing since two episodes ago.
The song struck a very good first impression on me. One thing is, I DON'T LIKE Sly. Well oh well, this song just attracted me. The lyrics is very meaningful too!
There With You
All these time while you're with me
I've been in the dark
Didn't make for the life of me
You won't do me wrong
We had it all
But you chose not to know
You always knew my heart was wrong
Now we know I'm not who you want
I should let you go
I love you with your disguise
You've proven my love is blind
There are no answers I find
To stop the tears from my eyes
Now everything looks black and white
You've given away clear blue skies
Don't wait it's time to go
I know my heart has always been
And will be there with you
Enjoy (:
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:41 PM |
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
One More Chance
Sometimes cherishing your friends too much leads you to think the otherwise.
One More Chance is hilarious, meaningful, touching and lame all at the same time.
Go catch it if you haven't done so.
I had weird dreams this morning.
I dreamt that I flunked WM.
I also dreamt that I fell from an overhead bridge.
When that happened, I opened my eyes cos I had this falling feeling in me. That was so scary.
I don't know why I'm dreaming about these lah. NF's tomorrow and yet I'm dreaming of WM.
Also, I think I can never get rid of my phobia of crossing overhead bridges.
The falling dream is real scary.
I can never cross an overhead bridge calmly without my friends.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:50 PM |
Monday, September 12, 2005
IPod Nano
The renovation below is currently on the drilling part segment and the noise is driving me crazy. It's almost like what happened on Friday last week but at least the paper I had on Saturday was my best subject so I could just easily scan through the revision paper.
But the upcoming exams are widely theory-based, and I suck at it :/
Anyway, I'm gonna catch One More Chance with my sis and Wendy today. Haven't meet Wendy for a long time already :)
I wanna watch Be With Me, a local film by Eric Khoo. The movie review seems exciting. It consists of 3 short stories (if I'm not wrong) which includes one about lesbianism. Hence it's M18 whereby it contains mature content.
I don't know if I can watch leh, cos I'm turning 18 in like more than 100 days later >.<
But if I'm gonna watch, I'm gonna ask the ticket seller if they look at the actual birthdate or the year we're born in before letting us in. Of cos if it's actual birthdate, I can't go in so maybe I'll try another cinema until I can watch it?
Hard work. LOL.
Ipod Nano is out! And it looks gorgeous..
The functions are good too! I was mesmerising as I watched the video on how the functions work. It has a photo album too, where I can store my photos and view them. It's totally gorgeous.
But the dimensions are 9 x 4 x 0.7 cm which is slightly smaller than an Ipod Mini at 9.1 x 5 x 1.5 cm. This means Ipod Nano is longer. It's so slim, so small, so nice! Best still, it only comes in black and white so it's no longer a headache to choose what color I want!
LOL. I'll think through ba. I'll have to see the real thing before deciding which to buy. Besides, the 4gb Ipod Nano is selling at the same price as 6gb Ipod Mini.
I'll buy ONLY if I can find a job during the holidays. Hopefully I can find one! Cos next week I might be busy with VP SIG stuff and PSP chalet (though I think I'd only go for the barbecue).
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:49 PM |
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Please take note:
I forgot to say that during OOP exam, I'm sure ICT-ians heard the examiner-in-charge who constantly nagged at us to keep our volumes down, when the teachers are sorting the exam papers, because there's still a student who's still doing his paper.
When you're thinking who this student is and how come he gets extra time but we have to hand in the papers on time, please look at the left hand corner of the convention center. There sits a guy who is special and he gets extra time cos he can't write as fast as we do.
That special guy is none other than my almost-4-years friend, Zaki =)
So please spare a thought for him? Just try to keep extremely quiet okay?
I admit I also contribute to the noise but I kept my volume as soft as possible. So I did try to do my part.
Just do me this favor and do him a bigger favor =D
But I think he's just gonna take his exam papers at Convention Center Level 1 so it means we only have to keep quiet for just another paper, WM, since we are gonna be at Level 2 for NF.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:43 PM |
Saturday, September 10, 2005
食福满人间 III
Went for 食福满人间 III recording cos there's gonna be the Project Superstar contestants! There was also Leon! So I rushed down immediately after exam since it starts @ 1pm.
Heck. The ticket says it'll start at 1pm and that the audience are to be admitted 15mins before the starting time but all of us were still sitting there at 1.30pm. Then Jeffery (Wenna and I call him Mini Me, my sister call him principal) announced that we will be admitted at 2.15pm.
As me and my sister, together with 4 of the FC people, have not eaten our lunch, we decided to go to the petrol station and buy some cup noodles to eat. When we're back, still holding our cup noodles which are still half, we asked the one who was not eating to check if the audience are admitted already. To our horror, she came down shouting "Nobody is inside the reception! Hurry!"
Hah. The people around dropped their jaws as they watch me eating that spoonful of chocolate. Nice! Especially when it's fed by Ruth! She's so nice too! But well, the cameraman was also very fast so I think he filmed it all down as well >.<
Then there is this yellow guy who is very nice. There bound to be leftovers lah, so he secretly took some for us to taste. As we were getting excited cos the recording of the cooking segment is real boring, we made quite some noise and he got scolded =(
So everyone in the gallery have their fair share of food. BUT I wasn't the only lucky one! When Ruth came over, Leon saw and he did the same, prolly he didn't like sweet stuff, he went like "Anybody want?" again, I said "I want!" but I changed my mind =( cos I had eaten my share, so I thought it would be better for the others to taste it =(
But nevermind lah.
Okay, for photos now.
There was this cute little girl who keep walking around the reception and she caught many attention. People went like "SOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEE" and then followed her around with their cameras to snapshots of her. Needless to say, I did that too.
She sneaked into the counter,

A closer view of her..

There's one more..

Told you she's very cute. Look at those cheeks! It's as if they are saying "Pinch me, Pinch me!"
I won't forget the tickets

Suddenly I heard the FC people say "Sugi just got down the cab and he's coming up!"

His face is red cos somebody else was using her camera to take photo as well and her camera had this infrared light thingy. This was the best shot as he was already late for the recording.
He went off and then we heard screams again. "LEON IS COMINGGGG!"

Look so much like his brother. Hah. Didn't get to get his autograph today cos he was rushing for time. All of us think he prolly rushed to his girlfriend since it's their first year anni today. Lucky girl.
When Sugi and Leon came, and checked in in the reception, everyone surrounded them.
But when the MacDonalds guy came..

The coast was clear!
It took me alot of courage to take photos in the studio since Jeffery was catching people. He even sent a girl out cos he caught her taking photos with her video camera!
This is how the studio looked like.

While we were having intervals, Chew Chor Meng was busy sms-ing at one corner.

Yea and that's Sebastian. The theme yesterday was Retro. So the guys were in their floral blouse, tucked in their pants.

Mr Nice Guy gave us another little bowl of chocolate!

The chocolate tasted very much like Ferrero Rochor
After recording, I had nothing better to do and decided to take photographs of the flats beside Mediacorp.

Okay, I lied. Since when there's flats beside Mediacorp and since when my camera had such fabulous zoom and how could I have managed this angle since 1) I'm not a few storeys tall and 2) unless I was jumping off from the building or I couldn't have gotten this angle.
Remember those suicides scenes?

TADA! Secret revealed. I had wanted to take a better shot of it but Jeffery caught us and said he have another recording to rush to, so..
LOL. Had a fun day and made many new friends.
[edit] Forgot to mention that the episode recording I went for is the fifth episode. And since the varitey show just started on 09/09/05, the episode I went for will only be screened on 07/10/05. Catch it if you're a fan of Sugianto, Sebastian, Leon, Darryl, Chanel and Ruth! It's a must catch cos they're real cute =) [/edit]
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:46 PM |
Friday, September 09, 2005
Renovation in progress
DB paper down! WHEE~
Well, the paper is quite easy if I memorised the book upside down, inside out but on the overall it's managable (: Prolly able to get a B or above (if I'm lucky enough)
Next will be OOP. Not very worried about it except for Polymorphism and Abstraction. Frankly, till now I don't understand what are those two about (-_-;)
At first when I saw him in the gallery, I was like WOAH. Then I sms-ed him. He went like "Haha, don't say le arh" and I wondered if he meant kenna film so paiseh? I mean, I went for the Superstar Females recording, sat right in front, and I got film like a few times and he said he felt very paiseh?!
Then after the commercial break, I realised what he meant. HAHA! Kenna called out to kiss sia! Poor thing. LOLs. And I'm very sure his handphone was very busy at that point of them.
New layout! Haha. Okay, I'm nuts. I still have OOP tomorrow and I changed my layout. It's not made by me lah, it's one of the BlogDrive templates available. Found this real nice and decided to use it. But I made the banner and the Mickey Mouse is mine. That Mickey Mouse nice right. LOLs.
But at least the renovation company gave a notice letter yesterday to inform us that they'll be carrying out renovation works from 9am to 5pm today and tomorrow. Had wanted to go out and study but the weather today very hot! I can't imagine studying and sweating at the same time, making me feel damn uncomfortable.
I'm glad it's just for 3 days.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:40 PM |
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The Exam Fever
This is a sign of being too stressful, I think.
you got watch shootin stars de ma?
YoNg JiA Life iS worThLesS if YoU cAn't FiNd SoMetHiNg WorTh DyIng FoR! says:
haha nv
YoNg JiA Life iS worThLesS if YoU cAn't FiNd SoMetHiNg WorTh DyIng FoR! says:
you try b4 le ah
Actually I was refering to the Channel 5 show. But that guy thought I was refering to the REAL shooting stars.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:39 PM |
I pretty much don't like anons. I mean, if you want to tag a message on the board, why don't you leave your name there? Or at least leave your link.
I don't mind taking critics (as concluded that this (anonymous: make sense huh, however some people look real good and they just have the habit of taking pics that way, whereas SOME, lack the quanlity to take pics that way, thus decided to take "NATURALLY") is trying to criticise my looks) but please leave your name.
If you dare leave a critics cos God knows what did I do to make you leave such tags, please leave your name too.
By the way it's not an offend to blog on whatsoever I want. If I don't, I'm defeating the purpose of a BLOG.
So please kindly leave your name if you decide to criticise or compliment me. Thanks. I pretty much appreciate that.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:23 PM |
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Coach Carter
Inspired by the true story of controversial Richmond, California basketball coach Ken Carter, who received both high praise and staunch criticism when he made national news for benching his entire undefeated team for poor academic performance. Tension mounted as the Richmond High Oilers faced the upcoming basketball championship.
Okay, I admit. I did not write that marvellous synphosis of the movie. Fine.
Need someone to provide the movie? Feel free to ask me for the (pirated) DVD.
Some quotes from the movie:
"What is your deepest fear?"
"I came to coack basketball players, and you became students. I camt to teach boys... and you became man."
Last quote chim? Actually I thought so too. Heh. But after I type them all out, I understood its meaning. I just meant that sometimes we unconciously go beyond our limits and that scares us. If we decide not to make it big, we aren't doing ourselves good, neither are we doing good to others and it's not something we should triumph about. We should also know that everyone is good in something and that we are allowed to shine in that area. And as we are lifted from our fears, others' fears are also lifted because they believe that they can drive away their fears too.
Something like that lah. Laugh as much as you want if I get it wrong lor.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:37 PM |
Monday, September 05, 2005
Flu bug
Exams are round the corner..
For those who have been mugging very hard for the exams, 加油!
For those who haven't been mugging and still slacking around (same situation as me), I think we better start soon. Or else we'll be seen hugging Buddha's leg.
Oh, or maybe I'm the only one getting the flu bug cos Cheryl's aircon was down and I had this fan blowing directly at me when I was sleeping on her sofa bed at night.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:22 PM |
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Running away from home
Currently at Cheryl's house. Helped her with her website assignment abit and she's like 90% done. Hah, quite a big deal leh, she was actually 0% when I arrived at her doorstep. LOL.
Wish my dad could cook such fabulous curry. Don't say my dad lah, I think my mum don't cook such fabulous curry too.
I'm not bootlicking since I know that Cheryl visits my blog frequently lah..
It's just...
Suddenly don't feel like going home. Lucky I brought my laptop over, if not I'll be pestering Cheryl "are you done?" LOL.
Maybe I'll stay over ya know. Her room is fabulous, Creativex speakers connected to my laptop for greater music, dvd player, tv, sofa bed for people who wants to stay over etc! She even have the camera which is on my list! Erm, not IXUS i5, I've given up on that after knowing it's 1x optical zoom.. She has IXUS 700! That's 7.1 megapixels and 3x optical zoom! But then her zoom don't know why not like 3x leh. Don't know lah.
Haha. I wonder if I'd never have my own room sia.
<3 Huei Shan @ 8:19 PM |
Saturday, September 03, 2005
IMM autograph session & Finals
I'm back for photos! But please take note that this entry is photo-intensive. Have a total of 37 photos to post. LOL.
Firstly, I've flash back to the IMM Meet & Scream event on 28 August 2005:
The stage, showing the album covers of the final 2!
So the contestants who failed to win the first round were invited out first. Shall skip the part where the other contestants came out..
Fast forward, fast forward
The final 2! Interviewed by 933 DJ Lin Pei Fen (correct me if I'm wrong)
Last but not least.. all 23! Missing one due to some reasons. But well, all of them looked enthusiastic! Happy bunch of people =D
The guys cheering for Wei Lian..
Don't have a nice photo of the girls cheering for Kelly so..
Fast forward, fast forward
The Finals day!
Tell ya we were treated like angels =D
They styled our hair..
I'm eating red bean potong ice cream and
Wenna hide behind me so that her face will seem smaller than mine.
But our heads still big can..
So actually I didn't look bad at all. Don't laugh please. It took me lots of courage to post this photo. Notice I wasn't even smiling =X
I was granted wings for a day!
The cute little angel. Told ya she's cute. Don't drool please..
The CNA interviewing me. I refuse to post photos of how I looked like when I was interviewed cos my head super duper big T_T
Another bunch of photographers again.. -_-;
Well.. Needless to say more..
The tickets! Priority Area row 1 ^^
Zhou Chong Qing. He was right in front of us. That explains this funky yet gina pose of his. LOL.
The contestants without the final 2. All looking great and enthusiastic about the night.
Who are they?
The five very important people! The judges!
Through this photo, we can see how much effort these guys are putting in to give the audience and fans their best =)
The guys during accapella..
Little angel is feeling bored. She is throwing a little tantrum and refused to stay still on my lap..
Hong Jun Yang during his duet with..
Shi Sin Huey.
The mummies, in memory of the song Mummy by Lin Jun Jie.
So many people supporting the guys..
The girls too!
This is a very cool photo of JJ. Taken by me cos I was sitting right in front of the stage. Hee~
Another nice photo of him.
Little angel caught me taking photo of her and smiled for me =D So sweet..
Lonely.. I'm Miss Lonely..
Trying to poke through the holes to irritate the crew because they were blocking her view! Poor little angel..
Waiting for the announcement of the results.
And the winner is Wei Lian!
Little angel is very very happy =D
Presenting his very last song to mark the end of 绝对 Superstar..
The judges from where they were seating. Not a very glamourous sight actually. Hah~
Everybody happy for Wei Lian
And my handsome Leon
Thanks for enduring till the end. Hehe.
<3 Huei Shan @ 7:48 PM |