Saturday, September 17, 2005

There With You

Recently hooked on this song.

If you catch Shooting Stars every Tuesday 8.30p.m on Channel 5, you ought to hear it cos it's been playing since two episodes ago.

The song struck a very good first impression on me. One thing is, I DON'T LIKE Sly. Well oh well, this song just attracted me. The lyrics is very meaningful too!

Here you go:

There With You

All these time while you're with me
I've been in the dark
Didn't make for the life of me
You won't do me wrong
We had it all
But you chose not to know
You always knew my heart was wrong
Now we know I'm not who you want
I should let you go

I love you with your disguise
You've proven my love is blind
There are no answers I find
To stop the tears from my eyes

Now everything looks black and white
You've given away clear blue skies
Don't wait it's time to go
I know my heart has always been
And will be there with you

Enjoy (:
P.S. This song has been my ear candy for days. Keep listening to it but I still haven't get bored of it. LOL. Well, this DOES NOT mean I like Sly okay. Please don't mistake. I still don't like him. (Sorry Sly fans)