Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I hate deadlines. Deadline for my FYP is 15th December and it's just round the corner. Kai Ling and I are confident that we can do well for out FYP but we're just afraid we can't meet the deadline..

We're still modelling Jene. How? We had been very behind time already. We haven't even started rigging and rigging's the worst part. Animating is also difficult but we're left with just TWO more weeks.

I was creating beautiful eyelashes for Jene when, to my horror, I don't know where I dragged the top horzontal bar to! OMG. Now I can't do anything to my Jene cos the top navigational bar is very very important.

I haven't even started texturing Jene. We haven't even combine her body parts together. Now the whole program is getting more laggy because we added much more stuff to Jene.

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~ I know I shouldn't be blogging now and should work on my project but seriously, I've tried reviving the top navigational bar but to no avail. I'm just.. DOOM.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Deja vu

I hate this feeling :(


day of work.. SOBS.

I'm feeling mentally and physically tired but then I feel the night's still young. Today's work has been kinda.. DISASTROUS.

Not that there were many many people, but seriously the 1% of the people coming in today has one big problem: BAD BREATH.

I don't exactly have the kind of fragance breath but those customers whom I served today (those with really serious bad breath) really smelt like they rush off to the warehouse sales without brushing their teeth. It's that bad, really.

It'd be bad for me to take one step behind when I smelt that so instead of doing that, I tried to explain everything in one longggggggggg breath, with fear of inhaling the really bad breath.

But anyway I had fun :)

Ba bu simi seh! (what color turban?)


Alex 厉害啦, come pinch me soooooooooo hard after seeing two Sikhs. After I go around pinching the first time when I saw one, everyone tried to dodge my "attacks" after they see me suspiciously walking towards them, especially if they see I'm about to raise my thumb and my index fingers...

FUN mah. Maybe painful too but then it adds a little lively atmosphere to the quite dull atmosphere righttttttt~

Nevermind. Today the group of crowd is more of families. Babies are so cute :) I love walking around giving sweets to kids.

There's this boy who's so shy lah. I first saw him sitting on the floor, then I went over, he immediately stood up and hide behind his mum (this I assumed), even though I showed him sweets on my palm..

I saw him around again, went to him, he went to hide behind his mum again. Next time I saw him, his mum is carrying him. Offered sweets again but he shyly turned away. Seconds later, his mum carried him over saying: 他说Auntie要给他糖.. (he said auntie wants to give him sweets..)


He looks over.

ME: 什么auntie!姐姐啦! (What auntie! Sister okay!) *direct translation so weird*

He turned his face over shyly again.

ME: 叫我姐姐我才给你糖.. (call me Sister, I'll give you sweet)

Turns over shyly, muttered "姐姐" and then took the two sweets on my palms..

ME: 拿一个啊~拿两个!-_- (Take one! So greedy take two..)

He hurriedly returned one and then turned away shyly.


Hehe. Then there's this adorable kid who's soooooooooooooooooooooo damn er.. ADORABLE!

He had big round watery eyes, and a smile which automatically melts into your heart! Too bad he don't let me carry him :(

His elder sister who's 3 is also very cute and pretty. Buai tahan lah..

After they headed to the information counter to clear some doubts, they went to the speaker area and I walked over so I could play with the boy! HEHE. His mother chatted with me of cos, asking me if I'm schooling arhh, working part-time arhh yada yada yada. Nice family :)

That baby's so cute I'm still thinking of his smile...

Everytime I bring out my hands gesturing I wanna carry him, he will smile and then shyly turn away. CUTE!

Okay, I'm going gooo gooo gaa gaa over kids liao.

If only yesterday wasn't the last day of work..
If only days like these could last forever and ever..
If only what I thought I saw and what I felt is true..
If only..

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Forever and ever

I wish days like these will last forever and ever... and many many evers...


Work has been nice :) but well today I encountered some really difficult customers. Apart from having to explain the same thing like 238745638425 times in a day, there's a customer who claimed my information is WRONG.


I admit my information is not exactly 100% correct but I'm pretty sure I'm 90% correct (maybe I just can't explain some things very well).

I appreciate the help of the people from other department helping us to answer the doubts of customers but I had this customer who went like:

ME: Oh, this one don't have bla bla and bla bla bla.
Cust: Izzit! Just now that guy told me this one got bla bla leh!
ME: Really?! Who?!
Cust: I don't remember lah..

When she proceeds to ask another question:

ME: This one don't have bla and bla bla bla.
Cust: Really?! Just now that guy told me got!
ME: Who?
Cust: I really don't remember..


And then she claimed I give her all the WRONG information.

Being relevantly experienced with my job, alot of my colleagues come and look for me for some answers :/

Very very busy. Like sometimes I'm actually explaining some stuff to customer group A, then colleague A brings customer group B over to ask me where is this thing or how much or what specs of the MP3 player. Then when I'm done telling colleague A what he/she needs to know and continues with my customer group A, another colleague B comes over.

Very very busy, but when I'm free, I'm very very free.

You know, there's also this customer who's very difficult to deal with. He keeps asking the same question and I keep giving the same answer and he got kinda frustrated! Really lah, his questions are the same just different in the way he phrase it yet he got more frustrated than I am. ROAR.

But at the end he finally cleared his own doubts and said "Thank you".

Some customers forget their manners and forget to say a "Thank you" when we're done talking to them.

Okay. I'm complaining alot but I still love working there :)

Well, because this time round its much more special :P

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Very Pain

Hep B injection VERY PAIN.

I prefer blood test lor, the needle is thicker not that pain..

Maybe you say needle thicker more pain what, but remember physics? A women with pointed heels step on you is muchhhhhhhh more painful than an elephant step on you.

Okay, maybe don't compare elephant lah.


Next dosage one day before my birthday. Good luck to me :(


Entry title is abit random but anyway, a change of layout cos I think the previous one made me more depressing, especially when I have many many mysterious bites legs and arms.

Yesterday, I felt like my whole body is itching, and I can't help but scratch. My mum bought me those powder which ease the itchiness. It did work, but then now I'm feel all so scratchy again and I just wanna scratch and scratch but then it will only get so awful in the end.

I've checked out websites concerning Bed Bugs but am very disturbed by the images (look here).

Symptoms of Bed Bugs includes:

  • Rusty or reddish spots of blood on bed sheets, mattresses, or walls..
  • Heavy infestations may have a musty or "buggy" smell, but the odor is seldom apparent and should not be relied upon for detection.
  • Develop an itchy red welt or localized swelling, which sometimes appears a day or so after the bite.
  • Bed bugs also are suspect if you wake up with itchy bites you did not have when you went to sleep.

All adapted from here.

I've only got the last two symptoms, but if the 3rd one meant swelling like mosquito bites, then no, I only have the last symptom.

By the way, some of the bites I gotten were not discovered once I woke up, I suspect sometimes I psychologically felt itchy in some areas of my arms and legs and I keep scratching.

Frankly I wished it's just a psychological problem instead of bed bugs. If it's bed bugs, I'd rather sleep on the floor forever and ever (kidding of cos).

Oh anyway, just pray for me it's not bed bugs and pleaseeeeeeeeeee scold me if you see me scratching myself. (else you can also help me scratch)

Anyway, the Princess Ariel I got for my layout is very cute right! :)

Lastly, this song is so very the sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

吳克群 can really write sweet songs :D

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
























Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hot Curls

Nah, I did not perm my hair.

Today, I was working with Kai Ling (some what our last day of work till a month later), when this very cute 5-yr-old boy with hot curls came in.

He saw The Hills Have Eyes Poster, and went like: "Why is there a blonde girl with blood on her face?"

ME: "Oh, it's The Hills Have Eyes movie. We have it in VCD."
Him: "It's so scary.. Just take it off and throw it away can..?"
ME laughs.

Then he saw MonsterHouse on the "Coming in November" poster and went like: "Is the show nice?"

ME: "Ya. It's very nice."
Him: "Is it scary?"
ME: "Er.. No lah but some parts it comes out very shocking.. not horrible but just shocking.."
Him: "Oh.." (saw Cars) "I have Cars. My mum bought it for me.."

It's a hell lot of a conversation between me and him and then I showed him Over the Hedge. He went like: "Oh this squirrel (points at the raccoon actually) likes to eat the potato chip (points at the chips).."

ME: "Ya. He likes it alot."
Him: "When he sees the chips on the trolley, he went like 'YES! I WANT THAT!'"
ME: "Ya. You like potato chips?"
Him: "Yes.. I like it alot.."


He's very chatty :)

But anyway, here comes the main part:

Him: (shows father Hi 5 VCD) "I want this Hi 5 CD so I can watch it over and over again.."
Father: "Put that down. I'll buy you ice cream."
Him: "OKAY!" (walks two steps towards the door but stops and come back to the counter)
Him: "You two want ice cream? Say PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~"
Me: (puzzled) "Huh? You mean we buy for you or you buy for us?"
Me: (still very puzzled) "Really arh, you buy for us?"
Him: "Yes. Say PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ then I buy for you.."
Me: "PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE~" (with no hopes he will come back..)

Well everytime when there's someone opening the door, I'll be expecting him to come in with ice cream but always end up with disappointment though I really did not pin my hopes on that. Went to the toilet and when I'm about to go back, I saw him..

Him: (comes to me) "You still want ice cream?"
Me: "Yes I want.."
Him: "What color you want?" (meaning what flavour)
Me: "I want brown color one.."
Him: "Why brown color? The other one nicer.." (points to strawberry)
Me: "I like the brown color one more.."
Me: "You got money to buy for me?"
Him: "... Don't have, but my daddy got.."
Me: "Noooo.. if you wanna buy for me, you have to use your own money.."

Him: (sees balloons in party room) "You like balloon?"
Me: "No.. I don't like.."
Him: "I can give your friend balloon.."

Me: "I have to go back already.. My friend is waiting for me.."
Him: "Cannot!!!" (locks his arms around the door)
Me: "Why you don't want to let me go.. my friend waiting for me, you know.."
Him: "Ask her to come here.."
Me: "Cannot.. One person must be in the store at all times.."
Him: "Oh.."
Me: "You want you can come and look for us."

Even when people wants to go in, he don't let! He's lucky the people who wanted to come in are about my age so they were like playing with him also :)

Until his dad ask him to let the door open cos there was another bunch of people wanting to go out..

I sneaked out..

Then asked him to visit us again..

His dad and his friend came into the store again and I asked where is his son..

Dad: "Oh, he left something in McDonalds"

After 5 minutes, Hot Curls came in with a chocolate fudge ice cream!

OMG SO PAISEH LAH..! Obviously he asked his dad for the money. I insisted to pay (and showed him my very cute frog coin pouch which he said is very cute) but he insisted I don't pay..



Monday, November 20, 2006


I'm sick.

At least I self-declared I'm sick because the thermometer states otherwise (READ: 37.2 degree celcius)

Physically tired and whole body aching from the mobile race yst, YET I still have to work. Work was okay except my legs were killing me as I took every step around the store serving customers.

I guessed I walked really strangely today, kinda slow and I'm really glad no customers complained I was so slow in getting the titles they requested. (I supposed they noticed I walked like a duck)

Then my head starts to feel heavy around 4 plus. Horrible. Kendric had to gobble up his dinner because I told him to eat faster as I'm afraid I cannot take it.

I was practically going crazy by the time night falls.

Why am I still online?

Cos I had to eat a little bit when I reached home. Didn't really have good appetite whole day.

Everyone please take good care of yourself!~

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tired . Worried . Scared

Tired of working..

Worried about my skin condition..

Scared about my future..

You know, the itchiness still didn't exactly ease even after consulting a doctor. It's still the same. I took a blood test for Hep. B when I went to the doctor and damn, there's a bruise at my arm; where the blood was taken out for test.

Now, I lost the tablets which the doctor claimed will ease the itchiness.

He said if the problem persists after two weeks, I still see a dermatologist.

Frankly, if it turns out I have some skin disease or anything that's severe, I think I'd rather die.

Please tell me I'm just PMS-ing..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Monkey Business

I think I gotta do something about my monkey business.

What Monkey Business?

Well, monkeys scratch themselves alot, and they scratch the back for others too.

Since more than two weeks ago, I started to develop scratching problems. I seemed to get bitten by some insects (not sure what) but not mosquitoes. If you scratch the part where a monsquito just bite, the bite will prolly swell up like a slight lump on that area. My scratches don't swell up like mosquito bites.

I'm so sick and tired of scratching...

So sick and so tired.. I think I might just scratch myself to death one day..

Even at times it does not feel that itchy, I tend to still scratch it especially after work: when I reach home and take off my jeans. The jeans rub against my skin and then it feels so itchy..

I.. Want.. To.. Stop.. Scratching.. Myself..

When I scratch myself, that area turns pink and there's some red spots within the pink area too. Very ugly on my legs..

I don't know what to say liao..

Just that.. I really need to see the doctor regarding my monkey business..

Or I'll just scratch myself to death..

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Yesterday was a BLAST! Intitally it's supposed to be just a gathering but then at the last minute Wei Ming said he will tab the bill and it'll be his birthday celebration. It came last minute and all of panicked, man, such a hurry, we haven't even buy his birthday present lor.

I'm supposed to meet Wei Ming, Kai Ling and Mike to buy the BBQ food at Ten Miles but then ended up I had to go buy the Puma bag he has been eyeing on cos it wouldn't be nice to go there emptyhanded. I took the Express bus to Heeren just to hear the guy at CHECK telling me they had no more brown ones T_T

All because of the CHECK website under construction lah, else I can call and enquire if they still have stock for that. But luckily I asked him to call to other outlet and turn out that only Causeway Point has 1 more left. ROAR.

Obviously I went down and buy. Met Wenna, Kenneth, Yong Xiang, Fai and Joan in Lot 1 instead. When we reached Farmart, we heard Kai Ling exclaimed: "I CAUGHT A PRAWN!"

Woooo. In case you're still wonder what's Farmart you can check it out here.

It's a place where there's prawns ponds which obviously you can fish prawns there. There's also a BBQ pit with free flow of charcoal. Quite a good deal. Renting the rods is the most expensive but experience is never cheap. It costs $26 for 3 hours of fishing prawns.

BUT NICE LAH. When I got a rod in my hands, I just sat there, and waiting for the prawns to get caught. Wait and wait and wait.. and once in every few minutes check if the bait is still there. Then while I was checking the bait, WOOOT! I caught a small prawn!!


Then I'm happy liao. First experience catching a prawn. NICE.

However, Wenna was practically feeding the prawns, like feeding one per minute like that. She kept changing the bait cos hers got eaten UNTIL she almost caught a prawn. She got so high, shrieked, everyone witness there was a prawn in the hook, BUT THEN it managed to fled -_-

But she still managed to catch a HUGE prawn lah. I got so sad.. my prawn is sooooo small. When I got hold of the rod again, I was really lucky. Just changed the bait twice AND POOM! I got another one.

Shida was very impatient. Just few minutes into holding the rod, she went like: "So is this what fishing is all about?" Then she buai tahan and passed me the rod.


In total we caught nine prawns: Me 2, Kai Ling 2, Xeno 2, Weiming 1, Weiming's sisters 1 and Wenna 1.

These prawns are not very cheap wor. They cost more then $13 each. (cos we rented 4 rods)

BBQ BBQ BBQ, seems yummy. Managed to see my small prawn ma? Wei Ming so mean, purposely added TONS of sambal chilli on mine!

The roadside uncle helped us BBQ the prawns.


Of cos since it's part of celebrating Wei Ming's advanced 20th birthday, there's a birthday cake!

Birthday Boy..

Blowing the candles..

Taking out the candle holder (is that what it's called?) with his mouth.

Well, Wei Ming did that terribly fast. We suspected he did some training the day before.

Receiving the present lah~

He's so brownie. He was wearing a brown shirt and brown slippers.

After the whole thing, we went to Wei Ming's crib to rot, play games and of cos play Mahjong.

His sister said to let us play with that. SO CUTE and fun.

This is how we're supposed to play that. Stack all of them messily together and of cos make it stable.

Mahjong was not bad. I was considered quite lucky although I won little. Intitially I kept losing. I kept giving and I didn't win any rounds. Until lucky finally came.

Don't remember exactly what tiles I had but I remember I had a few flowers, like 2 of them is mine, then I pong-ed 红中 and 白板, that's 4 tais already and I think I was doing half color. Don't know lah, maybe my tiles were not that good but I remember I already had full tai.

I was waiting for 眼睛, 4 tong, and then it was my turn so I picked a tile. Hmmm.. A flower or animal tile, and I think 咬到.. obviously I had to 扑 my tiles so I picked another one while everyone gave me a 10c chip, the tile I picked faced down with the 眼睛 I'm waiting for..

When I'm done keeping my chips, I opened. TO MY HORROR, 花上字摸

Lucky you know! I'm already so full yet I'm even fuller! When everyone opened their tiles..

OMG, Kenneth had two 4 tongs, meaning I had almost no chance of winning hadn't I picked that animal/flower.

Okay, next round, I was hesitating if I wanna "eat" Mike's tile. Decided not to, and 自摸-ed, although only 1 tai.

Overall, I won $1.40 cos after that I lost abit here and there and win a little bit more only.

HEEEEEEEEEEEE. So much for the day.

Next time I also want go fish prawns with my other friends liao! :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006





我没有回答她。当她看到是周董时,她说:“EEE YURRR!臭人!”








妈咪最讨厌周杰伦了,因为我和妹妹都很喜欢他.. :D

Rules are dead..

.. yet we still have to follow it.

I really hate rules, especially now many many rules have been implemented just to screw up my satisfied working life.

Everything was going smoothly until a few weeks ago, they start to implement a new rule every week.

1st) Vouchers form : there it goes, they don't trust us anymore. Even when issuing vouchers, we gotta write them down (serial number, quantity, signature) and make sure it tallied.

2nd) Late fees form : no more authority to waiving fees. That's such a pain in the ass. We gotta record how much we waived, and get the customer to sign. Minus more trust.

3rd) Now we gotta call the office if we do opening : they no longer trust that we will reach work place promptly.

What's next?

I started hating promoting packages when they implement the 1st rules. We already have damn lots of thing to do; promote the packages (includes lots of talking), settle transaction, add credits, issue vouchers, ensure customer got their discs correctly and now we have to write that damn form.

I started hating to face regular customers, customers whom I know well enough (of cos they're nice people) and sometimes I waived tad bit off their late fees. It sucks when they asked to waive the fees yet all we can say is "I'm sorry we can't do that anymore", then they tried to asked again but to no avail.

On Sunday I was working with Kai Ling, when this regular customer, let's call him Beautiful Eyes cos I was once so electrified by his beautiful gray eyes when he looked deep into me, asking some questions. So Beautiful Eyes came to return this New Released DVD and he's quite late, like 8 days and that's $6 worth of fees. Kai Ling served him, he asked to waive abit, Kai Ling said we can't. Well, I usually serve him and I was just beside Kai Ling so he looked at me, as if trying to see if I would ask Kai Ling to help him waive abit since I always do that, but I just looked at him, and said "Sorry, we really can't do that anymore.." with that really remorseful look.

Get what I mean? I really hate that feeling. I really hate it.

And with that 3rd implementation, I swear I'm gonna request not working openings anymore.

Maybe I shouldn't blog about all that but damn, I'm just so damn unhappy about everything, especially when I'm not sure when I'm gonna resign that job. If I were to continue studying in University, I'll need a part time job rite? Needless to say which will be my choice.

On the plus side, things has been good for the Rain Concert. I mean, Wenna, Kai Ling and I decided to go for the $288 seats, instead of getting the $188 first and then deciding whether we wanna get $388 not if we win the Mobile Race.

Well anyway, so I found an OCBC credit card holder already: my brother and my sister in law! Whee. My sister in law has been very nice to help me book the tickets and made sure everything is okay cos she knows how anxious I am.

Besides, we got really good seats!! Just beside the $388 ones :)

Wenna and I got the job at Creative too. Not forgetting those who also got, like Heri and probably his friends.

More and more good things coming up?

Hope so! :D

By the way, I really really have weird dreams. Bryan passed me the big big board of Jay and I placed it in front of my bed cos I wanted it to be wrapped up then I'll hang it up near my bed. Then since Jay was just right in front of me, and the fact that I've been "neglecting" him and got so "Rain-y" so Jay appeared in my dream!

Kinda reminding me not to forget him.

Okay, I'm thinking too much but I won't forget Jay!

P.S. That dream was very very sweeeeeeeet lah!