I know I may be very very late for this post but nonetheless, better late than never!!
Last Saturday, I watched Michael Phelps' 7th Olympics game Live on television. I must say, watching Live is definitely far far far better than watching YouTube repeat videos!
I woke up real early that day (his game was scheduled 1010h) and watched the game with my dad. It was really really breath-taking! My dad was like 'He's not gonna win....' that kinda because Phelps was lagging behind for the first 3/4 of the lap!! Then he finally catch up with the first swimmer in line but was barely overtaking him.. when the first swimmer (Australia? I forgot), was like 10cm away from the finishing line, Phelps was in the midst of completing the next stroke when *FWAH* his stroke ended before the first swimmer!!
How exciting is that??!! Furthermore, there was a debate on who reached the finishing line first as the difference was a mere 0.01 second. The recorded video was played back and slowed down by 1/100 (is that how you phrase it?) to witness who actually reached the finishing line first!!
Although he didn't break the World Record for that game, he got yet another gold medal!
I watched his last game on Sunday and wahhhh... it's so nice.. he won again! It was a 4 x 100m medley relay, and the second swimmer (breast stroke) was lagging behind as the Japanese breast stroke world record holder managed to pull a huge gap away from other countries.. Then when the third swimmers dived in (butterfly stoke.. Phelps!), Phelps was clearly pulling his distance away from other swimmers!!
Okay, to cut my story short, after Phelps won his 8th Olympic gold medal, the whole stadium's attention was on him lor.. Such a young swimmer (23 years old), with such great achievements. He not only broke the previous world record holder of having most gold medals in one Olympics, he is also the best Olympian so far.. with 14 Olympic gold medals..
Just read his wikipiedia page lahh!! Trust me.. I bet alot of girls like him as much as I do.. Till the next Olympics, Phelps! <3
Janice gave birth to little Issac today!!! Congrats!! I can't wait to carry little Issac!!
I didn't know somebody would be using my tagboard nick just to find out details of my friend. It totally ruins my reputation! (FYI, I'm not really close with that friend, hence there could be some friction on the questions the fake me asks)
It simply disgusts me to realise that I did not tag such message on my friend's blog, and those questions the fake me asked were quite private questions. Anyway, it shows that the fake me visit my friend's blog everyday as there were posts made on 17th, 18th and 19th August. I was at BF's house when the fake me tagged on 17th and 18th!
I went to tag the board on 19th to clarify I wasn't the fake me on 17th and 18th, and the fake me appeared like 10 hours later to clarify that the fake me is not me again???? Like wth? Why would I go back another 10 hours later just to clarify it again. That person must be dumb.
My friend knows the truth though, but this made me more careful when tagging friend's blog. I'll probably stick to Blogger comments if there is, at least the fake me don't have my username and password access :D
I'm just ranting :P