*Warning: Spoilers ahead!*
I’m utterly disappointed with Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!
1) They completely cut out the Dursley’s family in the movie.
3) They removed Kreacher, Black’s family house elf, and I’m just gonna wait and see how they’re gonna introduce him back in Deathly Hallows as Kreacher plays an important role.
3) They burnt down The Burrow! WTF? The Burrow should have equal protection as Hogwarts because Harry’s in there!
4) Harry did not remain at the lower level of the clock tower and do NOTHING when Dumbledore is being threatened by Draco! In the book he was under an invisibility cloak and Dumbledore Petrified him, hence he was unable to do anything!
5) It wasn’t Bellatrix who wanted Snape to make the Unbreakable Vow but it was Narcissa herself!
If I could go on, the list stretches to no end! Let’s just say this is the worst movie of the entire series.
I hope Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will not disappoint me!