Wednesday, July 13, 2005


It's been boring~

Basically I have to mug for the upcoming common tests and I don't feel really good. Studied abit of NF, understood the stuffs but whether I can make it or not it's a question-mark.

Theory, theory.. I'm bad at theory.

Haha, changed my way of typing abit lah. Capitalize my first letter of every sentence.

Just realised I've been blogging since I'm 14. That's approximately 4 years. I remembered my first ever blog was hosted at FreeOpenDiary which is passe already. And I remembered changing my style of typing cos it was hell reading my past entries.

I used to type like this:

ThIs WaS E WaY I UsEd To tYpE...CuTE MaH?NoTiCe dErE's No SpAcInG AftEr EvErY NeW SenTeNCe....N I UsE A LoT oF sHoRt FoRmS LoH.......OmG,Now I wOnDEr DiD i UsE 2 HoUrS To TyPe A WhOlE EntRy....aNd HoW DiD I EvEr LIkED tYpInG LiDat?!

Hehe. Sorry to those who still type like this but I dreaded the way I used to write my entries. Seriously, it was hell reading it loh.

Okay okay, another complain:


And to think I just got to think Jay is the spokesman for Metersbonwe. The apparel there are so stylish! No wonder I've been seeing fans of Jay asking questions like "Would you go to Metersbonwe if you have the chance?"

Now my answer is a straight YES!

Pardon me alright. I simply love Jay =)