Tuesday, August 24, 2004

PSP1 over!

phew~ PSP1 is finally over. was glad while and for loops didnt came out for writing program kinda questions. almost hand in my paper full of careless mistakes. thank god i finished the paper in 30mins time and spent the rest of the time checking through and through.

last question was pretty tricky. well, rate=20 was declared at the beginning of the program. saw that and yet i didnt use the variable. luckily i checked through and found out my mistakes.. if not i'll lose plently of marks from there ^_^

hahaha. i have a few disciples now. lol. they all claimed im "clever" cos i know my FS and PSP1 well. what crap. o0px :pPpPp

CSA is waiting for me tomorrow.. common test is going to be over soon. first two tests went smoothly. will my boat continue to sail safely? -to be continued-

[edit] ive long forgotten the meaning of love; and how to love.. [/edit]