Friday, February 25, 2005

Happy baby

was on my way to school today and then was waiting for bus at the busstop. then i saw the reflection of a grandpa carrying a granddaughter walking towards my area. the baby was so cute. the hair curly curly de. then i keep staring loh.

the grandpa noticed and then was like talking to me, telling me he's taking care of his grandchildren, the baby in his hands is 1 yr and 2 months old and tried to make the baby play with me. damn cute de.

she was so shy and then she didnt dare to do anything. no smiles no nothing. but then she got so high when i high five-ed with her. so cute. showed her two dimples.. kawaii..

board the same bus with them too. then when they were to alight, the grandpa asked the baby to wave goodbye to me. the auntie beside me, who was also staring at the baby, thought the grandpa was trying to make his granddaughter wave goodbye to her, then she waved back. lol -.-;

but so cute lah...

people i met recently: Sec school peeps: Mr Noh, Kai Lyn, Hui Hui, Shu Mei, Pei Jun, Joe. Others: Ain, Mandy.