Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Poly life

I think poly's kinda great for me! well, I’ve made great friends! yesterday I was having some difficulties blending into the environment but soon I’m used to it already. thank god the peeps were friendly and they helped me with what I’ve missed out on Monday. really thank them, man..

and today, I've finally met my group people. they're a bunch of friendly and nice people and I’m really glad I fit in immediately. lol. hmm, me, Theresa, Kai Ling and Wenna made a "loo" for our mentor, William. he was so glad. lol. it was kinda messy but it’s nice, I should say. well, we putted in our efforts, ya.

I feel I kinda miss my secondary school class. I find many people resemble my ex-classmates. okay, I really miss everyone. one thing which I’m glad is, my current class is really like 4e5 =)

now for personal feelings.. I find I don’t understand myself anymore. I don’t understand my feelings at all. I didn’t think about him the whole day today.. until I leave the campus. I feel the feelings for him are fading.. bit by bit. but when Weili told me some stuff, a knife stabbed my knife. I felt the sharp pain in my heart. I was really hurt. if the feelings for him are slowing fading, why do I feel so hurt? I really don’t understand myself! I’m fighting with my own feelings now.. help me!