yes, ive just reached home from malaysia. went there yesterday and am back today.
what i loved being there is KIDS! my gosh, they have really adorable kids down there.
attached is a picture of the cute little brothers Wen Kai and Wu Jun.
what i loved being there is KIDS! my gosh, they have really adorable kids down there.
attached is a picture of the cute little brothers Wen Kai and Wu Jun.

are they cute? yes, tell me they are.
there's also a pair of sisters which i think is cute but my relatives dont like them cos according to them, they scold vulgarities. oh man, they're just 3 and 5, if im not wrong.
so this is the hottest pair of brothers.
one thing about them, its sooo hard to get them to like you. but i did it anyway ;)
i love the gift i have because i just seemed to have a way with kids.
for the older brother, Wu Jun, he was like digging his nose which his parents are strict about that. and if he does that, they're supposed to pinch his arms. he did that. and i went like Eeee. and then i asked if he wants me to help him dig his nose. he said YES. and so i asked him to choose a finger out of the five i have on my right hand. he didnt answer and so i said "you want my right thumb izzit. wow. then later your nostrils big big" and everybody laughed. what crap. haha.
its so hard i got them to play with me. and then yesterday night i went to the shopping centre for a walk. when i was back, my cousin told me they came over and looked for me. and i was like O.O how did they specifically say they wanna look for me? she said they keep saying "jie jie, jie jie" but couldnt find me.. so sweet.
but today they didnt come over. so i think soon they'd forget about me. and i'll have to start finding ways to play with them next chinese new year again --;