Sunday, January 09, 2005

Movie Marathon again!

went to Kai Ling's crib for Movie Marathon again. this rox my world but im feeling really sinful again. oh man. yes, that meant endless munching of titbits. grrr. then we made our own breakfast cum lunch yesterday. nice food Kai Ling cooked.

well this thing for the sentence ending with the word 'bei' is getting nowhere. it all started when Wendy told me that once she made fun of her friend when he want to borrow her stuff. out of fun, she said "na bei" which supposedly should be "na ba" it was supposed to be funny but kinda rude.

i told this to them and then we started all the "zhou bei" as in "zhou ba" and stuff like that. then we played the Kai Ling is my mamma and Wenna is my ah ma. so i called them "ma-bei" and "ah-ma-bei" respectively. they were like "what should we call Shan?" then i told them "call me shan-bei"

we started creating own names and then Kai Ling's is obviously ling-bei which sounds very much like lim-bei. she said that herself and laughed at herself. as usual lahs. lol. and then Wenna crack into a very loud laughter to. to spoil her mood, i said "dont laugh hor. yours is worst: na-bei" and there she goes, her sad face =p

i continued with that ling-bei and na-bei thingy and we really sounded like our mouths are full of vulgarities. nevertheless, we had loads of fun =]

got hooked on Chobits recently and even borrowed Naruto from Hogan. am considering buying the Naruto vcds, but then ive gotta make sure its worth it. cos if i buy, ive got to buy it till the end. if not its a waste of money.

Inuyasha is so cute. listen up Wenna and Kai Ling: