Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Happy rainy day!

It was raining cats and dogs in the morning. Frankly, it's my first time seeing cats and dogs falling from the sky.


Kae lah. I know that's not the real meaning of "raining cats and dogs".

In the midst of walking to the canteen from the lift lobby, I dodged and acted like a fool trying to avoid the rain. Meanwhile, I was planning a surprise.

When I finally set foot on a puddle of water, with Wenna and Kai Ling beside me, I suddenly JUMPED and leave them screaming. *Evil laughter* Hah, it was fun! With all the "AHHHs" and "HUEI SHAN!". Of cos, there were people who were looking from the canteen and because they wanna revenge, I ran away quickly! HEHE~


Wenna was the nearest to me..

Look @ how wet Wenna jeans are. WHEEEEEE~

I'm so proud of myself ^^