Thursday, September 08, 2005


I pretty much don't like anons. I mean, if you want to tag a message on the board, why don't you leave your name there? Or at least leave your link.

I don't mind taking critics (as concluded that this (anonymous: make sense huh, however some people look real good and they just have the habit of taking pics that way, whereas SOME, lack the quanlity to take pics that way, thus decided to take "NATURALLY") is trying to criticise my looks) but please leave your name.

If you dare leave a critics cos God knows what did I do to make you leave such tags, please leave your name too.

By the way it's not an offend to blog on whatsoever I want. If I don't, I'm defeating the purpose of a BLOG.

So please kindly leave your name if you decide to criticise or compliment me. Thanks. I pretty much appreciate that.