Saturday, August 05, 2006

Life is so fragile.

Yesterday, I was chatting online as usual, and suddenly one of my friends PM-ed me: ____'s mum passed away.



My friend's mum is like a fun-loving person, this I judged for myself from the past few times I went to his place for mahjong. I remembered the very first time I played mahjong at his place, she was like "cursing" his son.

In mahjong there is 西 (west) tiles and in dialect (I don't know which), 西 = sai (a.k.a shit). Her son was like pong-ing sai for two consecutive rounds when she went like: "WAH, you jia sai ah?" (eat shit).

Upon hearing her son wanna get tattoo and my friend was like joking to her that her son wanna get tattoo, she went like: "tattoo? I 'tat-three' ah!"


But she passed away just so suddenly. I heard she fainted at home and was admitted to the hospital immediately.. who knows that marks the end of her life journey :(

She's like still so young (if I'm not wrong).

Why God wanna take her away?