Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I hate deadlines. Deadline for my FYP is 15th December and it's just round the corner. Kai Ling and I are confident that we can do well for out FYP but we're just afraid we can't meet the deadline..

We're still modelling Jene. How? We had been very behind time already. We haven't even started rigging and rigging's the worst part. Animating is also difficult but we're left with just TWO more weeks.

I was creating beautiful eyelashes for Jene when, to my horror, I don't know where I dragged the top horzontal bar to! OMG. Now I can't do anything to my Jene cos the top navigational bar is very very important.

I haven't even started texturing Jene. We haven't even combine her body parts together. Now the whole program is getting more laggy because we added much more stuff to Jene.

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~ I know I shouldn't be blogging now and should work on my project but seriously, I've tried reviving the top navigational bar but to no avail. I'm just.. DOOM.
