Thursday, December 07, 2006


That's what I told my aunt when she told me that my youngest Uncle and Aunt-in-law, together with her and my 16 yr old cousin plans to visit Hong Kong/Taiwan next May.

She gave me the o_O look of cos.

Hong Kong/Taiwan, estimated spending fees will be $2000, inclusive of $1000 for air ticket (actually should be less than $1000 but just an estimation). I die die also want to go to Jay's restaurant!

I know possibility of seeing him is little to none, but when I step in, I will still feel his presense around :)

Okay, I've gotta a little crazy already. Anyway, I have to save $2000 by next may lah.

BTW, yesterday I had a really bad day. I blogged but I guess Blogger was under some maintanence hence the entry wasn't save. A sign to tell me I should not be remembered of the bad day I had.

On the plus side I've finished skinning my Jene and added eyelashes after spending like five hours in front of my laptop since I've reached home. Hair and fur is such a hassle and soooo hard to use but the effect is good so it's forgiven lah.

I refuse to show you her front view cos ever since I've finished modeling the base head, I've only been real satisfied with her side view.

Ei8ht more days to deadline.. SCARY.

加油 to all who are also doing their FYP!