Saturday, January 20, 2007

"and you better stop eating MAC.."

"..cos everytime I come, you always eat that", says a regular male customer of my age.


It just happens that when he visits and when I'm working that day, I happen to eat MAC ah.

That customer is very health conscious and he thinks MAC is very very unhealthy.

He caught me take away MAC when I enter the store and he was inside.

"and you've been MIA for quite some time."


This means, it's just so coincident that he visits today and I'm working and happen to eat MAC and let him see!



Agus: So, Kai Ling, is your VIVA over?

Kai Ling: (-_-; inside her heart) Nope.

Agus: OH YA HOR! Your VIVA is next week and I'm your second marker!

Totally -_-;


ME: "Er, do you want to get another 3 catalogue DVDs because it's Wednesday special and you can rent 5 CAT DVDs for $20.."

Customer: "Actually nevermind, cos I don't have any more shows in mind. Maybe you want to recommend me some?"

ME: "Hmmmm.. Maybe next time?"

Ida: (bursts into laughter) "How can you say that to him?!"

ME: "We busy mah..." (thinks of the new stocks that came and haven't keyed in)

Thank god that customer didn't mind me saying that, cos supposedly he should be the one saying maybe next time if I were to tell him I could recommend some..