Saturday, September 20, 2008


Jay Chou's new album is finally expected to be released on 9th October!!
Pre-order starts 24th September :)

Usually I pre-order from Popular's CD Rama but last year I heard from Rosalind that Music Junction (if I didn't remember wrongly) has pre-orders for the Taiwan's version filled with more goodies! But of cos, it comes with a hefty price..

His 9th album is titled <魔杰座> and his hit song <稻香> would be having it's premiere broadcast in Asia on 22th September at 10am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And his album photos are damn cool can!?


*photos and information from JVRMusic!*

P.S. Oh and prior to the Good Luck post, It's because I took BTT on that day and I passed!!!! WOOOOHOOOO~~