Friday, April 02, 2004

Kids =D

I had a fun day today! Haaa. Also cos of who I'm working with. I'ts Harlis! Fun man. Especially when I'm workin morning shift. Normally we don't have much customers so we can joke and play around today. It's nice!

There was this malay group of customers with 4 really cute kids. Two of them were like so happy running towards the cushion seats and then crawled to the end. It's really damn cartoon cos it's like they're wearing nappies and you know how big their bum looked like and having them crawling in utimate speed, shaking their bums like hell. They felt a sense of satisfaction after that and were like so happy.. Kids nowadays. Haaa. And then there was this youngest baby who was running and I happened to walk past him. And suddenly it's like he bumped into me and hugged my legs. Cute right? That's why its like so fun and nice today! Kids are still the cute little beings who'll light up our days with any stupid things they're doing =)