Saturday, July 10, 2004

Too late..

Everything is too late..

A few days back Z called. But I lied saying I was busy with my school stuff. I just didn’t want to talk to him.. And today, Z told me he actually wanted to ask for patch. I teared. Everything is too late.. When I was still deeply in love with him, he rejected my love. Now my heart is with someone else, Z wants me back. I teared cos he didn’t know how to cherish me when I was around.

Z told me he lost 3 of his loved ones in 3 days. Uh-huh. Does that mean he lost the battle of trying to get back his ex-ex and then his ex-ex-ex? And that he's approaching me last cos he knew I would still love him? I still feel Z takes me for granted. Too bad..

I’m not trying to sound like one heartless creature but if my feelings for Z aren’t there anymore, what can I do? o.0

a special shout-out to someone: I’m still trying hard to get your feelings for me strong. and I think I’m on my way. I’m not gonna rush things.. for fear of things getting worst. I’m letting everything go slow.. just tell me when you feel it, alright?