Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Disturbance at work

I realised that working can be fun if you find joy within. I admit that it's damn boring especially when we have to work like robots but the fun part is the people working around us.

The people working with me are aunties of age 40+.

Generation gap?

Not at all.

I also realised this factor among mothers: they love to talk about their kids.

They booast to me how many kids they have, how old they are, where they're schooling, abit of their attitude etc.

Nothing embarrassing about their kids.

They sure love their kids.

One of the aunties even got influenced by me.

Once they were laughing about some matters when I laughed like "her-her-her-her-her" in a machine gun manner. The auntie went like "Why you laugh like that? Her-her-her-her-her".

Then she starting imitating me till now it became a habit.

And today I realised another auntie who sat beside me while pasting stickers got influenced by me too.

Of cos there bound to be the bad part about work.

The bad part is not about the fierce supervisor (he treats newbies nice and scolds the workers who worked longer), it's about the guys who's been disturbing me!

It all started on Monday when two different guys approached me on two different times saying some guy wanna know me. I ignored them of cos (they're either Malaysians or China men. I don't look down on them. But consider the difference in our qualifications, I choose to ignore them cos they're just factory workers. This was what the aunties advised me too.) but they persisted.

They continued disturbing me yesterday and today, and I ignored them too. The guy who is interested in me even came to the place I was and stared at me while I work! That's freaking scary!

He even tried to share a table with me and my friend! Until Bao Chuan told him I'm attached.

She's my saviour =)

Cos I was free from all disturbance ever since lunch today.


Ignored again.

Hopefully he gets the hint.

Two groups of guys and an auntie had their first day of work today. The two groups of guys are categorised into the stylish and the not-so-stylish group by me. What I'm more happy is, yay, there's more people of my age!

And then the auntie thought the reason of me being more cheerful after lunch was because of the arrival of these guys.


It's cos I'm free of disturbance! Then I told her the reason.

She kept trying to matchmake me with one of the new guys!

Also tried to matchmake Bao Chuan. They went like "So, have you set your eyes on either one of them?"


On the whole, it's fun working with these aunties!