Saturday, September 24, 2005

A new pimple & a family member

The biggest pimple I've ever had is not grown on my face.

Neither it's grown on my back.

It's grown on my KNEE!

Yes, you heard that.


It all happened when I was working on Wednesday when I felt my left knee kinda itchy and painful at the same time.

I thought it's just a mosquito bite.

When I used my left hand to feel it, it felt like a pimple.

To my horror, it IS!

I know it's gross.

And the photo's badly taken.

But look at that amount of pus!

I cant imagine it flowing out of my pimple if I squeezed it.

That's why it's still fresh after three days.

To prevent myself from squeezing it, I stuck a plaster on it.

MAN, when will it heal?

About a week ago, I had a new family member!

Her name is Marathon aka 马拉松.

I took photos of her:

"You wanna take photos of me?"

"HMPH! Don't let you take leh!"

"I flip flip flip flip flip.."

"Turn turn turn turn turn.."

"And row row row row row.."

"Also don't let you take photos!"

"I also hide behind my house."

"So you cannot take a decent full photo of me!"

"You featuring me in your blog?"

"Okay! Let you take a nice photo of me."

"Cute enough?"