Sunday, September 11, 2005

Please take note:

I forgot to say that during OOP exam, I'm sure ICT-ians heard the examiner-in-charge who constantly nagged at us to keep our volumes down, when the teachers are sorting the exam papers, because there's still a student who's still doing his paper.

When you're thinking who this student is and how come he gets extra time but we have to hand in the papers on time, please look at the left hand corner of the convention center. There sits a guy who is special and he gets extra time cos he can't write as fast as we do.

That special guy is none other than my almost-4-years friend, Zaki =)

So please spare a thought for him? Just try to keep extremely quiet okay?

I admit I also contribute to the noise but I kept my volume as soft as possible. So I did try to do my part.

Just do me this favor and do him a bigger favor =D

But I think he's just gonna take his exam papers at Convention Center Level 1 so it means we only have to keep quiet for just another paper, WM, since we are gonna be at Level 2 for NF.