Friday, October 21, 2005

IS enrollment

Doing IS enrollment now. Woke up sooo early for it. Not very early actually, like 8.15am.

The website lagged like hell! Keeps waiting for the module search to finish but to no avail!

It says Java error!


But I enrolled into photography already. Heri had advised not to take during the second half cos the outings and stuff will be very rush. But there's no slots for first half! Nothing on Media & Arts.

Found it in second half so I enrolled that already.

Currently helping Shida to search for Japanese in first half cos she keeps getting Java Error. Though I get that too but I get the results once in a while.


Now for my Social Psychology. (Praying realll hard)


Lim Seok Ee is gonna be my Social Psychology teacher! She's very nice! (She gave me a C+ for OCOM though. LOL)


Rushing to school later.. :)