Saturday, April 29, 2006

NOTE: If you think my blog's kinda unreadable cos of the font size, you can actually go to View >> Text Size >> Largest to have a better view of it. (especially for Koon Guan actually.)

There's this regular customer at my workplace who has a very adorable son. His name's Lucius and I liked him the first day I saw him.

He has fluffy cheeks, small built and a very cute voice like any typical 2 year olds. He is also very clever.

Yesterday he and his parents came again. I must admit I'm very lucky that they usually visit when I'm around :) I've seen their records and I've been serving them for quite some time already.

It's just so nice serving them. It's like I know them, they know me, they don't have to produce their member card upon renting videos and their son is so adorable.

Ya so I was saying, they came and as usual, his mum got him to greet me.

MUM: "Say hi to Shan Jie Jie."
Lucius: "Hi Shan Jie Jie."
ME: "Hi Lucius."
MUM: "Ask where is Auntie Beth."
Lucius: "Where is Auntie Beth?"
ME: "She went home already."

He is a forgetful boy or maybe he didn't believe us. He went to the counter and then check out for himself and then turned to his mum and ask where is Auntie Beth.

MUM: "Ask where is Uncle Nik."
Lucius: "Where is Uncle Nik?"
ME: "Uncle Nik left already.."
MUM: "He left?"
ME: "Ya, he resigned but he didn't told us where he was going."
MUM: "Oh."

Upon renting the videos and waiting the counter, Lucius was left walking around the shelves alone. Suddenly we heard:

Lucius: "Auntie Beth!! Look I'm here!"

All of us laughed at his cuteness and his mum told him she went home already. When transaction's done, his mum carried him and asked him to say good bye.

MUM: "Say goodbye to her"
Lucius: "Byebye. Night night."
MUM: "What's her name?"
Lucius: "What's her name?"
MUM: "Say byebye to Shan Jie Jie"
Lucius: "Bye bye Shan Jie Jie."
ME: "Bye Lucius, good night."

Upon seeing Kah How, he went like "Bye bye Uncle Nik!"

All of us burst into laughter. then his mum told him he's Uncle Hao. LOLLLLLL. Kah How is an uncle!!

He's sucha cutie. When I change a better phone, I'd take a photo of him and post it up here. Of cos I'll ask his parents for permission :)