Sunday, September 10, 2006

For the next few months, it'd gonna be disastrous for me and Kai Ling. Both of us felt very stressful after the meeting with Jamie Telford and Susie Loo. Damn, we're gonna be dead.

Worst still, it might be an individual project. Jamie said it's tough if it's an individual project. I believed he's good at 3D animation, and for him to say that, I think it's really really tough. But he said he'll ask someone (I forgot who but is the person in charge of IHP) if he could have both of us do a team project.


On the plus side, both Jamie and Susie are really really nice people. Susie lend us a report for us to reference so we would know what a report is like, and damn, it's as thick as our secondary Chemistry and Physics textbook, and maybe a little thicker than those.

To prepare us for the report, Jamie said he'll request to have us kinda "blog" on this thing called wiki or winky or some sort. We can screenshot our findings on the internet, and then blog about our problems as we go along. With that, it's like a virtual report done by us and that we do not have to hand in a physical one. It is also for him to keep track of what we have done (in this way, there's no way both of us can slack, which is good) and if we're all done with the project, we do not have to panic about rushing the report at the end of it; we can jolly well just print out our virtual report.

He's totally nice right! Also, he is very cute lah! I wanted to go rip the Jay album cos I just got it and that I had endured despite having more than a handful of people haolian-ing to me they have the album, and attempting to send me. As I do not have access to the lab, I saw Jamie and asked him to open the lab for us, he went like "I have the power in me~" and then tap his wallet to the scanner. CUTE!

When he walked past us, he sorta bang his forehead on the door to catch our attention, that's so cute too.

And friday was my first closeup meeting with him, and I really think he looks like Robinson Crusoe :)

You know, now I hope he doesn't go google his name and then find his way to my blog and see me writing those comments about him. I'll be terribly embarrassed if he does that!

Well, then again, if you're here, please tag :D

Okay. I forgot what I wanted to type. I wrote that entry like 30mins ago and then people started to PM me in MSN and it keeps increasing, so I chatted with them and forgot what to say. But wait a minute, I REMEMBER LIAO!


He added a new style Bossa Nova! His 听妈妈的话 is totally cute and 心雨 is sad. I love 心雨 best. Those 10 songs in the album are my ear candies for everyday until I can sing them without the lyrics book! I can't wait to view all the other MV and I really hope 心雨's MV won't be as disappointing as 黑色毛衣 cos that' s my favourite song in November's Chopin :)

You know, I'm glad I waited for the album to come out. You might think I'm quite stupid not to have my friends send me but the thing is, I felt it should be a surprise, like it should have been right from the start. So I patiently waited, dreaded the days which seems endless and then POOF! It's here!

JAY didn't make me disappointed :) In fact, despite the album leakage in China or somewhere, the album's still selling good!!

Yesterday was the first time and maybe the last time I do closing at KAP with Kai Ling. We close at 10pm but customers start flocking in after 10pm! Being nice to customers, we never say anything like "Sorry we're closing." since they came in groups. DAMN we closed at 10.15pm.

Well, that's not the point. The point is, there was this father who was teaching his son the wrong values! The family came in at around 10.05pm. By that time, the VCD area lights were off, a sign to indicate we're closing but apparently the customers ignored that fact, and then since there were no one at DVD catalogue area, I off the lights there as well. The little boy saw it and asked: "Daddy, why are the lights off?"

His dad ignored him, so he went over to his mum and asked the same question. No answer again. Then he walked back to his dad and asked again. I was standing near the door at that time to prevent more customers from coming in and the dad went like "I don't know, you ask that jiejie!" Then he was quite shy but I heard it so I answered: "Cos we're closing already."

Little boy: "Izzit? What time do you all close?"
ME: "Actually 10pm."
Little boy: "Daddy, what time izzit already?"
Daddy: "I don't know! I don't have a watch!" (still looking at ex-rental DVDs)
ME: "It's 10.10pm already."
Little boy: "Then why are we still here? We should leave already!"

Guess what the dad said.

Daddy: "There's still so many people around! Don't need to go first!"


Like what? Just because there's so many people around and the fact that I already stated that we're closed, you think you can stay in the shop so long? I don't mind him staying so long actually, but for him to have that kinda thinking, I hate it! I mean, it's okay if he have that thinking, but saying that to his son?! So next time I supposed his son will follow his dad footsteps, patronizing stores when it's closing, and then loudly announce to his friends that since there're still so many people around, they can still stay inside.

We don't have extra incentives for doing OT lor!



Earlier in the day, I was digging the gummies packet which Angeline bought for us from Australia and was looking for red gummies to chew on. This friendly caucasian saw me doing that and he asked: "Looking for the right color?"

ME: (laughs silly-ly) "Heee. Yah."
Caucasian: "Looking for the red ones?"
ME: (shocked) "Yes! It's the nicest ones." (smiles to him)
Caucasian: "Yeah, everyone loves the red one."
ME: "If there's a packet solely for the reds, I guess it'd be great!"
Caucasian: "Of cos, that'll be great!"

HEHE. You know, somehow that left a smile on my face. A little chat with an interested Caucasian customer is nice.

I prefer Caucasian customers actually. Not that I have anything against Singaporeans which I wouldn't cos I'm a Singaporean but I find Caucasians are more friendly!

When they walk into the store, they'll look at the counter area and they'll say a friendly "Hi!" to us and they're always very grateful when we find the title they are looking for. So naturally, saying "Hi" to customers naturally became a habit to me and as you might guessed, 99% of the Caucasian customers greeted back. Only around 10% of Singaporeans greeted us, and most of them are regular customers.

Not only that, the Caucasians are honest too! The other time I worked with Stacey at Jelita, there was this Caucasian who came to return the disc he borrowed, then he handed Stacey a Habbo card saying that time he purchased one but she gave her two. So nice of him to return! And indeed, when Stacey counted the number of Habbo cards in store, it tallied together with the one the Caucasian just returned. This I believed, if the cards ended up with a Singaporean, possibility of he/she using it is high. I won't deny the fact that I might just use it up too, it's just typical of us.

There's lots more to list out actually, but I wanna go learn how to sing JAY songs liao! :)

心里的雨倾盆而下 却始终淋不到他 ~