Tuesday, October 31, 2006

You know, I think Heaven's by my side.

Here I am, looking for 94 kind souls to donate me, while I found many other options to get hold of the tickets apart from the three options I listed in my previous entry.

There's two more ways now:

4) Take part in Mobile Race and make sure we emerge at least 3rd and win the cash
5) Devote my time in working for Creative for the upcoming two events and then just buy the tickets myself.

Well actually yesterday while I wrote the letter to everyone, I was thinking, what if I got donations but Wenna no money to go to the concert HOW?

I don't want to get high, all ALONE. That's really pathetic.

Anyway, she will most probably be working for Creative too and participating in Mobile Race :P

Forums stated that the reason Rain's concert is so expensive is because they will install those sprinkler devices to create a raining feel while listening to the concert. Also, all musical instruments will be flown/shipped (whichever way I not sure) from Korea.

I think the concert will be great! :)