Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I think that's like the sweetest thing I can hear from Wu Jun. I think I really made a big leap. From being totally ignored by the cute brothers to making them coming to find me umpteen times just to look for me to play with them, I think I'm really good with kids. HEH.

In case you forgot how he look like. I was supposed to head back to Singapore on the second day of CNY but I decided to stay over cos the two brothers preferred me to stay for another night.

But then I kinda regret that decision.

ANYWAY, their new brother, not very new actually, has grown up so much! (refer to my profile picture)


The best thing about this dude is, he is totally NOT afraid of strangers. Just walk to the person carry him, gesture to carry him, and there you go, he's in your arms. Though he does not really put out his hands as if wanting you to carry him, he does not defend himself to say no!

Neither does he cry when you snatch him from the person who's carrying him. The only times he'll cry is when he's hungry and when he sees his mother. Just don't let him see his mother.

He gets excited pretty easily too. Like for example, Wu Jun took a mandarin orange and den hid it with some cute sound effects, he went all so high and kept giggling!

He sure is one cheerful baby.

I think I'll miss his oh-so-dependent state cos I believe the next time I visit him, he might be crawling, maybe even walking. His current state is those can't even crawl, quite wobbly, very soft and nice to carry around state. I don't mind carrying him for hours :D

Ye Zu is just so obedient can. There's twice I carried him and hide cos I lied to his dear older brothers that I wan bring him back to Singapore. Initially I walked to the gate, but was, obviously, stopped by the brothers. Then Wu Jun needs the toilet and said he go toilet.

"After you come back, I'm gone" and he didn't dare to go to the toilet. In the end he did went to the toilet though, but came back to find me disappear without his baby brother. Both of them frantically looked for me but found me 5mins later.

The next time I hide, I hid in the storeroom. Door was open but it was dark inside so I hid quite imperfectly perfect. (the storeroom has windows without glass panels) The storeroom was tad bit stuffy and I hid inside for like 10 to 15mins but the two brothers cant find me.

They even went back to their mum and said "Mummy! Baby 不见了!"

Ye Zu did not even cry nor did he show any signs of discomfort until the last few mins.



I just love him so much can.


BTW, Wu Jun is so funny can. I told his dad "我要抱他(Ye Zu)回家", his dad went like, "好啊!给我新币30,000". Of cos I just smiled at him.

Guess what Wu Jun said: "给我十块我就让你抱他回家!"

ROFL. I can give him 10 bucks so easily can, be it in RM or in SGD. HAHAHHAHA.

Kids are just so naive, or rather, 10 bucks is just so big to kids.

Simply too irresistible.

My aunt from my father's side has gotten a Golden Retriever! Name's Cherry.

SO BEAUTIFUL and she's just 6 months old.

My aunt's maid also grew roses at the corridor! I don't even know roses can be planted in Singapore due to the climate.

My perfect shot of the roses, please notice the blurry background effect. Definitely not photoshopped and my first successful attempt! :D

BAH. I regretted staying one day because, I ended up having diarrheoa in the wee hours because CNY is all about junk food, junk food and more delicious food!

And when I'm at the custom, my HP is flooded with messages. Nevermind it's messages, I could just reply them but to my horror, on the second night of CNY, my secondary school clique stayed over at one of our cribs to play cards and stuff, and that my class is at Wei Ming's crib already!

I wanted to join them know, but due to father's orders, I have to be back home for dinner.


I think I miss quite alot of fun. BOO.